Let's play a little, Get to Know the Preggers!
About You
Name: Jean Marie Goley
Age: 25 (My Birthday is coming up 01.23.13- just sayin')
Height: 5'9"
Pre-pregnancy weight: Ha! Well that's a funny story actually! I had just lost 35-ish pounds and kept about 30 off for a while... Oh well, those days are long gone already, but let's revel in the glory days! I was fluctuating between 155 and 160...ahh flat stomach... inner thighs that don't rub together... I guess that is how people get pregnant in the first place; you just need to lose a lot of weight and throw away any clothes that aren't fitted to help flatter that fact- then you will so be pregnant!
About The Father
Name: Dustin Scott Goley
Age: 28
Height: 6'- Maybe... 5'11"
Are you still together: Yes, our 3 year anniversary is next Wednesday and we are still best friends!
Is this your first pregnancy: Yes it is! But it won't be my last! I want a boat-load of kids! (Sorry Honey...)
About Your Pregnancy
When did you find out you were pregnant: I won't dig you all through this again... But let's just say mid-July on a Monday afternoon.
Was it planned: Yeah right! Couldn't have been worse planning if it was! At this point I had only been given the "yellow light" (not a green light) to ask my OB at my next annual exam if there are tests to run when we do decide to start "trying", to make sure there are no problems... The YELLOW light, people. So no, it definitely came as a shock to both of us!
What was your first reaction: I dropped the test on the bathroom floor and said "No way!" (to myself and my dog Sambo Riley)
Who was with you when you found out: Oh, that would be Sambo riley Goley, our beloved 5 year old Cock-a-poo. He only follows me to the bathroom so I will sit and throw his bone for him. (He barks so loud if you don't and our toilet is in a small closet-like room of our master bath and it will deafen anyone, so I am trapped and he knows it... little turd!)
Who was the first person you told: Technically, the pharmacist at Walgreens, who was helping me find a good prenatal vitamin without sulfa... Then I told my dad- who was sworn to secrecy because I was about to explode if I didn't say it out loud. (He then told my mom "she needed to talk to me asap", and so started that stalker...)
What is your due date: 03.28.13
How did your parents react: All of our parents live at least 4 hours away so we did it over the phone that night. My parents were ecstatic and my mom has called every day since, just to check on me, see how I'm doing... His Mom & stepdad were genuinely excited and happy for us. And then his dad and stepmom (who live in Washington state) and all his brothers and sisters gathered around the phone and his stepmom cried, his dad started talking about MSU football... it was hilarious! All-in-all, we couldn't have gotten a more excited, supportive response from anyone! We are lucky to have our families who love us so much! AND, this is the first grandchild all around...
How far along are you: 14 weeks.
What was your first symptom: That Saturday before we found out, we went out to Horn Island and Dusty brought us back to Margarittaville for a drink and afternoon snack before we went in for the day. I was so tired that all I wanted to do was lay my head down on our table. I hadn't drank at all that day so he pressured me into ordering a (my last) Pina Colada. This $8 sugary concoction spiraled me into the sleepiest I think I have ever been in my whole life. I told him I couldn't help clean the boat, that I absolutely had to lay down or I was going to die. Then I slept hard for about 3 hours. When I woke up, I thought to myself, "That was weird...".
Do you know the sex of the baby: No, but we will very soon!!! at our 18 week ultrasound we will get the sealed envelope and host our gender reveal party two weeks after that!
Have you picked out names: We sure have! We have known their names for a while now!
If so, what are they: We had all kinds of scenarios playing out... but since we know it isn't twins of any kind, it stays simple. For a boy: Grierson Scott Goley (pronounced Griii er son Scott Go lay) and for a girl: Ellington-Anne Goley. (We will call her Ellie-Anne.) When people make their face when we say them, I just turn my happy little nose up and remind them that they are family names and/or very important names to us and mean a lot so read between the lines: "We don't give a sh*t what your opinion is :)"
How much weight have you gained: 7 lbs during Issac hibernation- thanks a lot! and 1 lb this month so only 8 total!
Do you have stretch marks: Yes. Unfortunately I was blessed with the ability to stretch and shrink, but not without battle wounds. I got my first set when I was 12 and got my hips overnight; I have been getting them every growth spurt and chubby phase since. I used to be really embarrassed by them, but now I have come to realize that some people get them and some don't; I do. I also know how important it is to keep your skin moisturized- all the time!!! to help cut down on your markings.
Have you felt the baby move: I don't think so, it is supposedly too early. But then, sometimes, mostly at night, my uterus just gets this really uncomfortable feeling, I think it will be what the "flutters" feel like, eventually.
Have you heard the heartbeat: Yes, we heard it yesterday!
Will you keep the baby: Dur
Home or hospital birth: Hospital!
Natural or medicated birth: Epidural! I'm a hippie, but I'm not stupid!
Who will be in the delivery room with you: Dusty, lots of Doctors and to me that seems like enough people witnessing my most exposed moment. Maybe my mom if Dusty turns green and passes out- he is such a wimp around blood and needles!
Will you breast-feed: YES, I want to try!
Do you think you'll need a c-section: Naw, I got birthin' hips- hence the 12 year old with stretch marks!!!
Will you cry when you hold the baby for the first time: Probably, I cry when I see it on the ultrasound!
What's the first thing you might say to him/her: No clue, let's hope it is sweet and memorable. It will probably end up being something dumb like, "Hi".
Would you let someone videotape the birth: No. Hell no. What, are we going to sit around like the Kardashians and watch home movies of mommy's vagina opening up? Gross.
Are you excited about the birth, or scared?: Excited, to meet the little Skeltor, but Scared as hell to actually do it- it looks pretty terrible!
Seriously - I love reading this!! It really helps keep us in the loop with being so far away! Keep it up sista :)
I am still so flippin happy for you!! Don't worry about labor and delivery - I'd go through that again before the 40 weeks of pregnancy..but I was a terrible, awful pregnant person. I cannot wait to see you and the baby bump at Shelia's wedding!!
ReplyDeleteyou are so funny. i found a pre natal yoga cd for you at a yard sale this weekeend!. . .if you feel like doing yoga that is! you can do regular exercise for a long time yet, im sure.