Today we went to our 14-week check-up with Dr. Vice! We got to hear the heart beat for the first time and then, as promised, I suckered him into doing an (unnecessary) ultrasound! I just need to say that I love my doctor!!! He is so easy going, he and Dusty always have good football talk and he doesn't creep me out or yell at me about my weight!!! Can't beat that! I felt like a giant goober when I asked him if we could take this picture... but I did it for y'all so you could see the man who is going to deliver Baby Goley!
So on with it! The heartbeat was cool, but I am more of a visual person. When we saw Baby Goley today, (I am going to reference Baby Goley as a HE today so don't be confused...We don't know what it is and we don't only want a boy; we would be thrilled for a girl too!) he was not the little hamster he used to be; he was a little Skeletor! Scariest thing I've seen yet! I say yet because I am sure I will see something more scary eventually in this process...
I'm going to name each ultrasound accordingly (And yes, there are a bunch. Did I mention my OB is waaaay cooler than yours!?!?) And get ready to hear names like, "The Bully Off of The Original Karate Kid..." because that is exactly what one looks like. Others resemble animals and Halloween costumes...
I call this one, "The Bulldog". (Dr. Vice and Dusty always talk about MSU football and if you look at this one sideways- turn your chin to the right so the left of the screen is on top... it looks just like a bulldog!!! Given that you see the dark eyes and then the dark section as his nose...)

I call this one, "The Raccoon". First off, the tiny, dark circle on his tummy is his stomach and it has water in it, proving he can swallow! Below that is his bladder (the bigger blurry circle is his bladder and it has water in it so he is successfully peeing on himself! yay!) Below that are not his legs- I said "Oh look, his little legs are curled up..." and Dr. V said, "No..." and turned the monitor and his legs were stretched straight out! So that is just an illusion. Now, on to the face... you can clearly see his arm and hand hiding his face but if you just look at it, it looks like a RACCOON looking straight at you! I'm sure I'm looking at it all wrong, but that is all I can see...
Here's the one that I named "The Bully From the Original Karate Kid". It looks like that blonde jerk's Halloween costume when they attack Daniel in the bathroom... look it up.
And lastly, the scariest one yet, "The Skeletor Profile". Seems to be exactly that! This one makes me feel like I have to be a skeleton for Halloween so we match... I'll also have to plaster on a BIG smile to match this little Skeletor! "Cheese!"
This was so fun! While catching these little snapshots of the most scary, adorable baby ever, Baby Goley did some strange moving around. At first, he wouldn't hold still for us to understand what we were seeing. We saw the eye sockets and then he flipped and we saw the spine. We saw the arms and then he held his face. He was also, like I already mentioned, stretching his legs to pull my uterus wide. He is pretty cool and Dusty and I really enjoyed seeing him all scrunched up in there flipping around like a maniac!
Next appointment is our big 18 week ultrasound, where they measure everything and make sure the spine is straight and run all the genetic blood tests.
***We will also get the sealed envelope specifying if he is a boy or girl Goley! We will then turn that envelope over to Blair M. to make cupcakes with the gender color inside for the Gender Reveal Party!!! The date for this party is TBA, but, Dusty and I decided last night, that it would be immediate family and very close friends only... Don't worry if that doesn't include you; We are having showers in Biloxi, Birmingham and Columbus as well as the "Daddy Diaper Party" here in Biloxi on Super Bowl Sunday!!! So Facebook me your address now and I will add you to the appropriate spreadsheet(s). (I know, I'm a freak, but I told you I stay home so eventually you run out of things to do- this is me acting organized!)
Tomorrow we will have a little game show of "Get to Know the Pregnancy"! Warning: Those easily grossed out or offended, go read something else!
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