Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Blessings in Disguise...

"What seems to us bitter trials are often blessings in disguise." Oscar Wilde

The expression "Blessings in Disguise" is annoying... until, that is, you are graced with understanding of this phrase. Now, if you've ever been graced with a blessing in disguise then you know it kinda sucks at first (that's the disguise part) and then, of course, eventually, you get the blessing part.

Within the month before I found out I was pregnant I had lost a finger (well, part of a finger- I exaggerate, so shoot me, it was nasty!), lost my job (that really happened...), and then I found out I would host out my uterus to someone else (Baby Goley- We are talking about you!).

So you can imagine my annoyance with this phrase, Blessings in Disguise... Yuck! Nice disguise! I guess I would rather my little blessing have come with a funny glasses/ mustache combo instead (that would be a much better disguise in opinion!)

But on to the blessing part, already!

Do you know how hard it is to get pregnant? It's pretty much a miracle! Your body really only gives you a tiny window of opportunity and a thousand things have to be just right for it to even successfully happen! I am not going to get too science-y, but it is just insane how one tiny sperm (eager to succeed) makes its journey in search of your egg (that's been waiting your whole life for its chance to "shine") and then before you know it, you are gagging on your toothbrush, staring in disbelief. You are so pregnant!

your baby at 14 weeks
  • He's probably sucking his thumb and wiggling his toes in there!
  • His kidneys are making urine, and his liver and spleen are doing their jobs, too.
  • And he's growing lanugo, a thin, peach-fuzz-like hair, all over his body -- it will help him keep warm!
Ref- The

This will not be the first, or the last, time I start a sentence with, "My poor husband..." but maybe it helps readers sympathize with what an amazing blessing he is to me and how insane I can make him :).

But, my poor husband, the day I told him I was pregnant, he had just gotten home form working all day; running his new bank branch (pretty stressful) and attending a class in his masters program- where he took a test that night. Little did he know I took a test too... and passed, I guess :) I mean he had just walked in the door. To say I was patient would be incorrect. I stared him down from accross the counter and let him read a card, while I held up a positive pregnancy test.

I couldn't hold it in any longer!!! I needed to freak out with someone, to cry or laugh or throw up or something, anything (anything but be on the wigging out alone all day). His response was funny- he turned completely white and had to brace himself on the sink and started spitting- you know like you do before you submit to the porcelain god, Ralph... yeah, just like that. ha!

We have come a long way since that night! 

Every week during the first trimester I would eagerly check the and  for the latest updates on my body, my baby, and what the heck I should be doing to prepare for this blessing! The problem is, I had to, sort of, keep it to myself. I wanted to shout it from the rooftops! I mean come on people, I had such a terrible time before starting this journey, I wanted to show people I had a mood other than miserable; I was genuinely happy (as long as I kept the sickness away with awful carbs and junk food). 

Now, thanks to the whole disguise fading away, the second trimester has graced me with thicker, fuller hair, new energy, and an overall better attitude! See, hair really can change your mood :). I have gone from indifference about everything to having a sense of purpose, decorating inspirations daily, and a calm decision making ability I dont think I've ever had! This is happening, ready or not. 

what grows in, must come out! 

I made that up last night- it grossed me out but I think it accuarately describes the fear that comes along with playing host to another human being.

So in the next 6 months, it is my hopes that this blog will do a number of things.

Firstly, I hope this blog will serve as an outlet for all these thoughts so I dont have to throw them all up on Dusty when he gets home from work, watching as the remaining bit of life in his eyes drains out of his ears onto our couch...nasty stuff!

I also hope this blog will help keep my ideas organized- I will be planning the nursery, nesting (looking very forward to this!), learning what all it does and doesnt take to have a baby, and keep it alive and happy successfully (hold your advice till the end please, I am sure I will ask at some point- then feel free :), and then, of course, trying to celebrate each step; each accomplishment of my body and our baby's growth, every shower, party or celebration, doctor's appointments, until the day we meet the little Goley goober.

Then after I spill my brain out onto this keyboard for the next 6 months and my ideas are crazy and everywhere and I think they are organized, then, lastly, I hope this blog will serve as a constant updater of our blessing's unveiling of its disguise to our friends and families all over the world, I suppose (shout out to Canada!). Distance can't keep Baby Goley a stranger to any of you. You will hear some gross things (if you haven't figured that out already, I am telling you bluntly- it may get gross, offensive or anything in between) and you will hear some great things!

So buckle up people because Baby Goley is shedding it's disguise and blooming into the blessing underneath, right before your eyes!

Sneak peek of tomorrow- We have a Doctor's appointment for the 14-week check-up & I'm going to try to get a picture with Dr. Vice and maybe sucker him into doing an ultrasound for Dusty! 


  1. Love this blog :) I look forward to hearing about everything! Also, thanks for the shout out :)

  2. Thanks! I thought you would appreciate that, being the Canadian Godparents and all... If we could just arrange this whole dual-citizenship thing... we have time! :) Thanks for reading, love!

