Friday, October 5, 2012

Where do Baby Goleys Come From?

"Where do baby Goleys come from?"
"Well, this baby Goley came from love!"

You see, it was a long time ago, back in College, before I turned 21, when I met a woman in the Tyler Candle showroom at the Atlanta Gift Market. Let's go ahead and spill the beans, it was fate! I told her all about the line, how it works, how women (and men) go crazy over them and you can barely keep them in stock! She immediately started telling me, "You should meet my son...". But, if you have ever been the daughter of a busy-body, business owner in a small town, you get that all the time. Usually it means, "Gosh I wish my son would date girls..." or "I wish my son would date normal girls..." or even worse, "I wish my son would stop playing video games in my basement, eating all my cheese puffs and go on a date!" Either way, I was used to politely saying, "Oh, thank you, but I am seeing someone." Anyway, she went on and on about how me and her son would really hit it off... So I should have known when she asked for my number to "help her pharmacy gift shops in Columbus, MS, with their window displays" that I would receive that awkward phone call down the road from her "fabulous son"

Well, I did get that phone call and to be honest it freaked me out even more. I didn't know this guy, hell, I didn't even really want to. I am sure glad the next few months happened. We talked on the phone, you know, like you used to in middle school and high school (like all the time!) and I really grew to like his personality and mannerisms. I decided maybe it was time to go on a date with him after all. So Sheila and I began stalking him; He didn't have a Facebook, his MySpace was out-dated with no pictures of him, and all Google could find on the various spellings of Goley we concocted was a football article from a few years before- of course, no pictures. So we were stumped. I was not that shallow, but to not know what someone looks like, that could be weird- I mean what if he was Fugly?, What if he was so out-of-this-world-hot that I was Fugly to him? You know, you just need to know these things when you are 20/ 21 years old. Then, on top of that, I was still "friends" with my ex. We hung out and watched movies, ate on separate tickets and had fun... until, that is, he said I couldn't go on a date with this "preppy, polo-wearing football player" and then I had almost had it... So I hesitated and went back and forth with Dustin, "Yes I'll go...", "No, I can't..." for about 3 months!!! I have no idea how he put up with that psycho behavior from the start, but he did and I wish I could say he doesn't have to anymore (but as you know, my poor husband...).

We go on a date to Rueben's for Crawfish Tuesday, something I had never done before. It was fun and exciting and he kept my beers full and a smile on my face with his quirky personality. In the weeks to come, I followed him around like a puppy dog. Anywhere he went, I tried. Work couldn't even stop me from riding along with him to Tupelo to do inventory! We were sick, love sick that is! I knew after about a week that I loved him and after about a month that he would be my husband one day. We admitted this embarrassing, funny truth to each other right away and then from there it was a done deal.
So, as two people in love do, we got engaged (a whole other hilarious debacle), made plans and had us an outdoor October wedding! The engagement was 11 months, too long in my opinion! And the wedding was on the prettiest day in history, in a beautiful garden, with gigantic mosquitoes... ahh, the best day ever!

So, we were married, we had plans of kids far, far off and we were focused on our grown-up-jobs. I needed a change from my college town to make the distinction between jobs and careers so we uprooted and moved to the coast. I worked at Boomtown Casino in Human Resources and Dustin came down 2 months later with American General Finance. We worked our butts off, met all kinds of great people and started our life here. We loved it right away! Both of us had moved around in the career world; We both ended up at Hancock Bank :)! This allowed us to get a boat, a party machine to me... fishing machine to him! We had a blast this summer, obviously, there is a baby in my tummy (I'm not going into details there)!

We started dating around my 21st brithday and I will be 26 in January so we have been together almost 5 years, married for 3 and pregnant with the seed of our love for almost 4 months!!! That is a serious timeline! Baby Goley doesn't have, and won't have, every single toy, or every single thing it wants, but I know one thing; Baby Goley has two parents who truly love each other, are best friends and have a deep soul connection. I can only imagine the love we will have for you, Baby Goley! All that love we have for each other, overflowed into a baby is sick, love sick that is!

We love you already! But get ready, I don't think we are alone in this love sickness!

Thank for reading!

1 comment:

  1. See! Moms really do know best! I told you he was a great guy!
