Well yesterday we went back to Dr. Vice (the coolest!) for our 18 week check-up. This visit featured a long, detailed ultrasound in which Baby Goley got measured. The U/S technician measured everything from tiny things in the brain to the amniotic fluid in there. All the while, we got to just stare at our baby on the screen.
In this picture, the baby is on it's side with its left hand by its face- notice the giant elbow! And look how sweet that little face is! Our "Perfect" baby! |
Now, I know what you are probably thinking,
...but you guys don't want to know the gender- you saw and now you know! But cool your jets! We looked away for about 2 1/2 minutes while she did that part and then she printed 2 pictures and sealed them up for us. We didn't see and we still have no clue! Even though the whole office was teasing us saying, "Congrats you're having a boy!... or a girl!" But I think the U/S are getting stranger because instead of seeing the whole baby on the screen we can really only see one half or part at a time. So we stayed from the waist up the entire time. We only got 2 pictures this visit (because the U/S tech. only prints a few, whereas Dr. Vice gets in there and prints a whole roll!) but they are good ones!
This one was my favorite. The baby is laying with its legs all the way in its chest, pushing its feet on the top of my uterus. I could not only feel this but it stayed like this for a few minutes! Funny little shit! |
At one point during the measurement part of the visit, the tech had her wand thingy pressed against the middle of my uterus and the baby, no joke, fist pumped it! Dusty saw it and I
really felt it! This was the first
good punch I've felt! It was the highlight of the day!
Then they took some blood for a genetic screening for spinal bifida, downs and other defects. I guess I didn't have to take this test because it won't matter to me if our baby is special or not; I have so much love in my heart already! But Dr. Vice said that there are a lot of false positives so I really don't even want to know the results.
During our regular visit, Dr. Vice showed Dusty how to "listen" to the baby by laying his ear on my uterus. We tried it out before bed last night and it was amazing! Dusty got down and was listening and for some reason, maybe the pressure of his head on my uterus, I could feel some major movement! He could "hear" what he described as "sloshing around" during these movements. It was fun because he was trying to explain to me what he was "hearing" and I was trying to explain what I was feeling. Just another reason we love Dr. Vice so much! I had never, in all my research, heard of doing this before!
Whoa Baby! |
On our way out to the car, Dusty paused and asked if Dr. Vice was who delivered the baby and I knew he really liked him because when I said "Yeah, that's the plan" he smiled really big and kept on walking. At lunch later our waiter was complaining about how he hated going to those appointments because it always seemed like his Dr. was full of it and we just smiled and were happy that we love our Dr.!!!
Overall, our appointment went well and everything was described as "Perfect!" to us! So if you were wondering, we are making a perfect baby :) according to our Doctor's whole office!
18 Weeks! |
Our next appointment is the Monday after Thanksgiving! I have only gained 11 pounds so far for the entire pregnancy but my bragging may cease after the next appointment, Nov. 26! I am lookign forward to some turkey and dressing, people!
A. I am so sore I might actually crumble. I plan to continue the workout today to try to get some of my muscles back in working order... not looking forward to it!
B. Sheila's big day is here and we have an eventful weekend ahead of us! "The dress" came in, in a 12 and fits like a dream!
C. The Halloween party this weekend will feature the Goley skeletons! We have a daddy skeleton shirt with beer and pizza in the belly and a mommy shirt with our "perfect" baby skeleton in the belly and even Sam Bo Riley has one, complete with a big heart and a boney tail!
I will post plenty of pictures and hopefully have some great stories! Thanks for reading!
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